distracted writer procrastinating

Writing is hard work, but procrastinating is easy. 

Procrastination can lead to guilt and shame and eventually to demotivation and depression, but you can stop procrastinating with a little effort.

Follow these 3 Simple Steps to Stop Procrastinating and Start Writing!

Step #1
Acknowledge You’re Procrastinating.
You know good and well when you’re doing it. 

Do you really need to keep checking your email? Do you really need to ask that question on Facebook? Do you really need to make some more coffee?Do you really need to check your phone… again?
Break these habits and focus on actually getting words out of your head and onto paper (or keyboard).
By acknowledging you’re procrastinating, you will retrain your brain to recognize repeated patterns of self-sabotage and be able to replace those negative habits with positive results.

Step #2
Answer Why You’re Procrastinating.
You may not know exactly why you’re doing it, but you need to find out.

Do you fear success more than failure? Do you find it hard to believe in yourself? Do you question if you’re writing is any good? Are you a ‘pantser’ who gets lost in the story and unsure where to go next? Are you a ‘plotter’ who spends too much time seeking perfection through organization?
By answering why you’re procrastinating, you allow yourself to be human and know that you’re worthy of success in writing… if you change your habits.

Step #3
Break the Habit of Procrastinating!
You need to create new habits which will lead to your success.

1. Forgive yourself for procrastinating in the past.
You did it, it’s done, time to move on and be a better writer.
2. Minimize distractions like social media, television, phones.
You’ll never finish writing your epic story if you keep making Facebook posts or playing games on your phone… break these bad habits!
3. Reward yourself for achieving small successes.
Set a daily word count or time-block for your writing (500 words or 15 minutes distraction-free writing, etc.) and once you’ve achieved it, give yourself a little indulgent reward. Retrain your brain to avoid procrastinating.

Procrastinating is a habit and like any pattern of behaviour it can be changed if you so desire.

Writing is hard work, but demotivation and depression can be avoided if you make the 3 simple steps above into your new habits on a daily basis.

I believe in you, you just need to believe in yourself.

What are you waiting for? Start Writing!

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